During a panel presentation yesterday, I was asked what a solution might be to the problem of growing antisemitism in general and California Ethnic Studies in particular.
I asked everyone in the audience who was Jewish to raise their hands. Over 90% of the audience raised their hands. I asked everyone who was a black American to raise their hands. One black guy raised his hand. There were about 200 people in the audience. I asked everyone who was Asian American to raise their hands. A few did, including my friend Mars.
I said that was the way of Critical Race Theory.
I asked everyone who was a human to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience raised their hands.
I said that was the way to solve the problem of antisemitism and Ethnic Studies. The audience applauded.
I stood up and cheered (for real). >
"I asked everyone who was a human to raise their hands. Everyone in the audience raised their hands.
I said that was the way to solve the problem of antisemitism and Ethnic Studies. The audience applauded."
I love this without exception!
I always tell others that we just need to judge everyone as humans who want to be loved and listened to.