Oct 15, 2023Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I hope my own children are able to view me with this sort of love and admiration.

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Hey Wink, you have a true gift for poetic prose. It's a gift I've had and maybe I still do, but I don't write the essays and short stories the way I used to. Maybe you'll inspire me to get back in the saddle.

I had come to think of my writing as my brush and easle. I always aimed to paint very vivid pictures. This is what you do. What a blessing it is to know you through your brush and easle. Thank you for sharing these indelible memories.

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Thanks for your kind words. The more I write, the more poetry comes out in the prose. I guess that is what happens when one leads with one's heart and feeling/smile. Hopefully, I will inspire you to take up the brush and easel too.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I needed that this evening. You have been very fortunate to have such a wonderful family, and nothing like strong mothers and grandmothers! I wish people still dressed up for church, although some still do—just not many. That was important when I was growing up, too.

Casual is nice, but we’ve become too casual. I miss seeing a little class.

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Yeah, I watch some of these old Twilight Zone episodes (1959 - 1964) and the people look so classy and distinguished. When I see these images, I am seeing into the world when my Mom and Dad dated and fedora hats were always worn by my mother's brothers.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I remember my dad wearing suits and hats when he went to the office. In those days people dressed up a lot more. Even riding in planes, people wore nice clothes. I think it also had an impact on manners. People don’t even get dressed up to go out to nice restaurants. I remember the first time going out for a special occasion, only to look at the next table where everyone was in jeans and t-shirts. It was so disappointing.

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One of my favorite images is a picture of my Grandma with her family. The picture probably dates from around 1899. The entire family is gathered outside by a shed in the open field. Grandma is a baby in the front row. As you say, memories are such a blessing.

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Family is forever.

I love the images, in my brain, of your Mom and your Grandma too.

I remember my Grandma would wear a dress every single day of her life.

She lived on a 160 acre farm in Minnesota and worked hard every single day, as did my Grandpa.

She lived to 69 and he lived to 94.

I used to wonder why I had such "warm fuzzies" for my Grandma, and then my Mom reminded me that my Grandma took care of me until I was almost 3, while my Mom worked outside the home everyday.

Memories are like gifts that keep giving to us each day.

When my sweetheart died in June of 2022, it was almost excruciating to look at pictures and to visualize past vacations.

I knew this would get better and would be a "soft gift" to me as time moved forward.

Well, I have come to the point where I love the pictures and thoughts, that have become SO sweet in my heart.

You don't ever stop missing someone, but you find that the memories are such a blessing.

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