What a compelling story. There are folks who will find a way to twist your true experience. I read an article that spoke about black women dying in hospitals because there weren’t black doctors available who knew how to treat black women. As if black women are aliens.

Do I care if the cook making my burger at Checkers is black or white? No. Do I care if that cook is the best at what he does? Not really? Why? Because as a matter of life and death what that cook is doing doesn’t matter. Anyone, with minimal training can make a burger at Checkers.

Do I care about the ethnicity of my surgeon? Not really. Do I care if he’s the best? Absolutely. Why? Because as a matter of life and death there aren’t many who can do the work of a surgeon. In fact becoming a surgeon isn’t something every doctor can do.

Why do those who worship at the alter of DEI have trouble understanding this?

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Can't add much to what you said. When the cards are on the table and one is facing the emergency of a lifetime, one wants the absolute best surgeon one can find. I don't know why some are blind to this human impulse. I would write more but your comment nailed it.

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Mar 30Liked by Winkfield Twyman

Glad to hear of her successful outcome.

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Mar 29Liked by Winkfield Twyman

Wow! That had to be scary. How is she doing now? And, I am completely with you!!

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100% recovered and taking on the world!

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That’s wonderful!!!

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Apr 12Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I've been a "little behind" in reading all your great commentary.

I definitely agree with the comments below and especially what you wrote.

I have had a few very complicated surgeries and I had no compulsion to care one way or the other what someone's genetic history is or was...

I only cared how competent they were in what they do!

I have very blessed to be able to search for good doctors.

At times I had to come up with some extra $$ which took time, but worth it every time.

I still remember my Mom had surgery in 1950, about two years before my birth.

They flew from Minnesota to Arizona to the Mayo Clinic, because she needed the third lobe of her left lung removed and the best doctor was in Arizona.

I can still remember when I was 18 years old and my dad showing me the last check he was paying to Mayo Clinic--20 years of payments!!!

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Yikes! 20 years of payments! Thanks for sharing. Like you said, I only cared about competency.

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