Here’s what keeps standing out for me in your stories: blacks actually seemed to have much more agency than I ever imagined. Based on everything we are reading and hearing about now, the impression is that life was without hope. Even if blacks were eventually given their freedom, life was just as bad as before. WHY aren’t we learning about this? Why aren’t more blacks learning about this? What a great learning experience I’m getting, and that doesn’t mean that I have lost sight of the bad things. Your Black History Month is something to be proud of. These men and women may have been brought to our country against their will, but they have shown us that they had much more to offer than we ever imagined.
It’s taken me awhile to get to it, but I just started reading Letters in Black and White. I’m already hooked, and so glad I bought it! I’ll remember to recommend that, as well.
Thanks! I know the feeling. I have a queue of five, no make that six, books waiting for me. I must read a book on LBJ by my Book Club meeting this Friday. Haven't started page 1 yet!
My husband has read several biographies on LBJ. He’s very interesting. I have a couple of biographies waiting, too. One is on Truman and the other is Peter the Great. I recently finished a very lengthy one on MacArthur that was very good. Besides your book, I’m listening to a very simple, fun British mystery. I need something that takes me away from current events (and concerns).
I started getting serious about learning how to paint with watercolors in March, and I spend a lot of time on that. I listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I’m painting.
Painting is a good creative outlet. I don't have the touch for watercolors which is odd since I consider myself a creative albeit in the ream of writing.
Creativity takes so many different forms. Watercolors, like writing, are personal, and take time to develop. I enjoy time to myself, maybe because it gives me an opportunity to think. I also thought a lot about writing when I was younger. However, I’m not disciplined enough, and (as you can tell) I’m not particularly good about proofreading. So, I’ll just enjoy other people’s writing. 😉
Here’s what keeps standing out for me in your stories: blacks actually seemed to have much more agency than I ever imagined. Based on everything we are reading and hearing about now, the impression is that life was without hope. Even if blacks were eventually given their freedom, life was just as bad as before. WHY aren’t we learning about this? Why aren’t more blacks learning about this? What a great learning experience I’m getting, and that doesn’t mean that I have lost sight of the bad things. Your Black History Month is something to be proud of. These men and women may have been brought to our country against their will, but they have shown us that they had much more to offer than we ever imagined.
I agree and I write and I remember.
Pass it on.
It’s taken me awhile to get to it, but I just started reading Letters in Black and White. I’m already hooked, and so glad I bought it! I’ll remember to recommend that, as well.
Thanks! I know the feeling. I have a queue of five, no make that six, books waiting for me. I must read a book on LBJ by my Book Club meeting this Friday. Haven't started page 1 yet!
My husband has read several biographies on LBJ. He’s very interesting. I have a couple of biographies waiting, too. One is on Truman and the other is Peter the Great. I recently finished a very lengthy one on MacArthur that was very good. Besides your book, I’m listening to a very simple, fun British mystery. I need something that takes me away from current events (and concerns).
I started getting serious about learning how to paint with watercolors in March, and I spend a lot of time on that. I listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I’m painting.
Painting is a good creative outlet. I don't have the touch for watercolors which is odd since I consider myself a creative albeit in the ream of writing.
Creativity takes so many different forms. Watercolors, like writing, are personal, and take time to develop. I enjoy time to myself, maybe because it gives me an opportunity to think. I also thought a lot about writing when I was younger. However, I’m not disciplined enough, and (as you can tell) I’m not particularly good about proofreading. So, I’ll just enjoy other people’s writing. 😉