Yeah, I'm glad Mark and Anne are having a back and forth. The idea of mass formation is an interesting way to view current events.

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Don’t stop writing! ❤️

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WoW...I could feel your passion in your writing.

If we could just get everyone to read what you write maybe we could actually convince others of their asininity...

...but with some peoples they could have it smack them upside the head and it would make no difference.

I really like the conversation that you elicited with Mark and Anne!

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I agree. There is much in the idea of mass formation that resonates.

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Ain't this the truth? The idea is that Blacks have been held down by those in power- inescapably evil - for so long that an ample amount of money will level the playing field and finally get around to fixing centuries of unspeakable abuse. Of course, this is all predicated on the notion that money can fix anything approaching a man's soul and desires and ethics. Of course, this is further predicated on the notion that those who would receive these reparations are already sufficient of soul and desires and ethics, that they would invest (more likely spend) this money wisely.

I'd better start socking up warehouses filled with Mad Dog 20/20. I have a feeling I'll be able to resell them at a ludicrous profit if the reparations ever take hold.

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What has gotten this to become so fashionable all the sudden, do you think? It’s interesting to me that the people shouting “racism” the loudest are the ones who seem to be the promoting it.

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Wow, loaded question. One that defies easy answers. Ever since 2020, what with the lockdown and the George Floyd riots, I believe a mass hysteria has taken root. Otherwise known as mass formation or mass psychogenic illness, conditions were ideal in 2020 to push us over the edge. The socialists and communists within our nation have been steadily pushing their ideologies for decades, especially in colleges and universities. And 2020 provided the fertile ground necessary to explode into the mass consciousness. These days, I find comfort that more people are realizing that the progressives have taken a few steps too far, but there are just as many if not more people who absolutely hate to consider that they've ever been wrong about anything, especially something that demanded so much much of their passion and time. Simply put, they're too invested in their lunacy to stop now.

There are also the issues of power and money. For instance, I don't believe for a second that all these corporations and major sports teams have suddenly completely gone over to the other side after years of maintaining the status quo. Show that you're anything approaching "anti-woke" and risk watching your business go down in flames.

I continue to hope that we are slowly regaining our sanity. I remain a beacon of Truth and Principle. I'm steady. Sadly, sometimes those on the political right are just as mad and cognitively biased as those on the left. All we can do is hold the line.

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Thanks, Mark. I’ve had similar thoughts. We were locked down for almost two years, and people spent too much time on line where they found other unhealthy and/or unhappy people. It has calmed down quite a bit because I think the majority of us got fed up. I remember being in a group that was fun for awhile until someone noticed that her neighbors had some Trump signs in their yards. That got everyone going on how awful they were, and worse.

I made the mistake of saying there were plenty of decent people who supported Trump even though I didn’t. I said that my brother did, but he also got up in the middle of the night to help his very ill lesbian neighbor, he was a hard worker, good husband and father, etc. At one point I said something about his black friendships, didn’t capitalize the “B,” and that set them off! Of course, defending anyone who liked Trump was enough on its own, but now they could label me as racist.

They really ganged up on me, and I just left the group because who needs that. I’m pretty sure they were mostly a bunch of young white progressives because the fun part had been reading the stuff they wrote about being stuck at home with their kids.

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I'll tell you what gets my goat. Though it's all conjecture, donjaknow? All these political fools, jumping on the nearest bandwagon to lend their lives some sort of (mock) clarity and (mock) purpose? When they do come to their senses and realize that character trumps ideology, every time, they'll never admit that they were wrong. They'll say they that they were stalwarts of decency and completely reinvent their own pasts. What tangled webs we weave!

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It’s too easy to put signs in your yard, and l’m talking both sides, although I think the crazy far right ones, are mostly people who are frustrated and don’t know what else to do. I’m thinking more about those neighborhoods that have BLM signs and “In this house, we believe…” You really need a sign for that? Who is it for, is what I always wonder. Do they think blacks drive by and say, “this is where the good whites live.” As for “we believe,” who cares other than the neighbors who have the same sign. “Whew, thank goodness the neighbors believe in science and that other stuff too.”

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Ha! So true.

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