I think of these incongruences along the lines of cultural production with a great deal of weight given by my generation to be seen. There was that moment in the early 90s when Spike Lee and Chuck D (and OJ Simpson & Rodney King) turned America on its ear. The racial self-interest in racial self-representation could not have been turned past that 11, and the overproduction continues. The lowest common denominator of that argument for 'faces that look like me' is pretty much all that remains. So it's no surprise a new generation has never known any better. And so the new minority du jour is trans.

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Hi Wink ( love your name!) I am a white woman who has also noticed this incongruence not just shopping in stores like target or Kohls but also on commercials. Maybe your family doesn’t notice it because the color of the models/ actors skin doesn’t really matter? They like myself might celebrate the diversity in humanity. I’ve always loved these differences expressed in skin color, freckles, a bump on the nose etc that makes us unique and special. I for one am glad to see this expanded sense of beauty 😊

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Good food for thought. Thanks.

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