Hi, Wink.

Well, certainly, Miss Keys is right. I wonder if Bob Dylan has a thing for her, too? 🤔

Anyway, I have been using the "I'm Mark" rejoinder for something like 40 years. For me, though, it's been a response to people wanting to know my political allegiances. I've seldom given much credence to my "racial" identity aside from filling out bureaucratic forms whenever I ask those bureaucracies to give me something, but I remain certain that I would give the same response if asked.

I'm Mark. Child of God. And with that simple reality comes an awesome responsibility.

I remain hopeful that this mass psychosis we are living in will pass. Often it seems like it will not and that thought terrifies me. Perhaps a worse outcome is that it will pass and those who are now so loyal to it will deny that they were ever so. And then those same people will fall for the next great illusion.

My course in all this is clear: to stay true to my values as a child of God. First, I had to articulate those values, become intimately familiar with them. And now every thought, every deed, every nuance is infused with those values.

I this way, I guide my family and all those I hold dear. In this way I safeguard Truth.

Peace, Wink. Be good to yourself.

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"Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land

And don't criticize

What you can't understand

Your sons and your daughters

Are beyond your command

Your old road is rapidly agin'

Please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin'" -- Bob Dylan

Thanks for your rich comment.

The older I get, the more I sense the event horizon where generations touch at the end, and beginning, of life. My Grandma born in the nadir (1897) lived long enough to see the strong Wave III up (1964 -2009). She saw the collapse of public school segregation and the election of a black Mayor in Richmond, Virginia. I was born in the correction of Massive Resistance Wave II (1954-1964) and, the lord willing, will know children born in the 2030s and 2040s who will usher in a Golden Age of Self-Identity as adults beyond the year 2050. Our racial future is as bright to me today as our racial future appeared bright to my Grandma in the year 1961.

Things are darkest before the dawn.

Bob Dylan gives me hope/smile. The times are always changing.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I have hope much too.

I feel that those who know the truth will prevail.

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