Jun 25Liked by Winkfield Twyman

Do you think we’ll ever get past this skin color thing? Haven’t we figured out yet that skin color has nothing to do with smarts, morality, good or bad parenting, and all the things that are part of being human.

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I have. Others have. The loudest folks have not. For some, skin color is a proxy for identity and a sense of belonging. There are wiser ways to be in the world. Or, shall I say there are different ways of being in the world.

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Jun 27Liked by Winkfield Twyman

It must take a lot of energy, all of this self identifying. And by that, I’m talking about all these groups of people who are obsessed with being part of a “group.” Groups can be fun, bring people together, and it’s nice to “belong,” but that when we make that our “identity,” I think it can take away from all the other things that make us who we are. It seems to be very limiting.

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I was at dinner last night with young folks. And you talk about your groups! There was this group and that group and how one can belong to this group one week and another group the next week. It made me dizzy. I just listened and took it all in. Little do these young masters of the universe realize they are in the presence of...a fearless writer/smile! I am always observing life.

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Jun 28Liked by Winkfield Twyman

I’ve never been a “joiner.” I don’t like having to follow along, which often involves things that don’t even interest me. And, I’m certainly no leader; it’s way too much work. Being an “observer” is much more gratifying (and fun)!

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Amen to your comment Anne!

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